Happy Earth Day

Small Steps for Mother Earth Walk!

Farmington Hills Earth Day Walk

Our children’s future is important!

Friday, April 20th over 100 kids and parents turned out for the 1.5 mile Earth Day Walk from Heritage Park to City Hall to show support for our planet.  Kids decorated T-shirts and made a pledge to do their part to help preserve the environment, “repurposed” trash into art and played games to call attention to the importance of their own sustainable future.  Check out Earth Day Walk for photos.

This event was made possible by the collaborative efforts of Farmington Public Schools (provided shuttle bus back to park), Farmington Hills CEES (gave tours of LEED City Hall facility), Heritage Park (space and parachute), Recycle Authority (donated “I Can..” T-shirts), Moran Mitsubishi (donated reusable water bottles/Miev electric car), Farmington Hills Police and Fire Dept. (safety and air) and Peace, Love & Planet (event coordinator).